Topic outline


    • Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


    • The potential for hydrogen uses in industry and energetics is significant. Even though, for a long time, it was overlooked. However, one of its disadvantages is that it can mostly be found only in chemical compounds in nature as it is a highly reactive gas, and it must be derived from water or methane.

      The advantages outweigh the disadvantages significantly, which is why its use is becoming more common. Hydrogen can store energy effectively for an extended period without considerable energetic losses. It is one of the important differences from batteries which can store electric energy only for days. For that reason, hydrogen is considered the right direction for storing energy gained from renewable resources, which offer unstable electricity production.

      There are many benefits of hydrogen. It is the most common element in the universe, the third most common element on Earth, and it can be found in many substances. An unlimited amount of hydrogen is in water, it is also the basic element of organic matter, and most importantly, it is a part of all used hydrocarbon fuels. Hydrogen has a high energy density (for one unit of mass) and can be transported and stored. When used as a fuel, the advantage is zero-emission combustion. Suppose it is used to produce energy in engines with inner combustion or fuel cells. In that case, it emits heat, electric power, or mechanical power and an unharmful byproduct – water, leaving out CO2 and other waste substances, which are a common part of burning any hydrocarbon fuels in any form. Carbon is the main part of greenhouse gases, and Hydrogen energy should reduce its production. The prevailing problem is nitrogen oxide emitted inside of the hydrogen engine. Its amount depends on the oxygen surplus, temperature, pressure, and the time when the flue gases are kept in the combustion engine at high temperatures.[1]

      Colours of Hydrogen

      Hydrogen is resourced in different ways; therefore, it is divided into groups labelled by different colours.

      Brown and Grey Hydrogen

      One means of hydrogen production is resourcing them from fossil fuels (brown) and natural gas (grey). 

      Hydrogen is generated as a byproduct of different industrial processes. The most common hydrogen generation is by "steam-reforming", meaning the source is heated with water at a high temperature. Grey hydrogen is the most produced one nowadays. However, steam-reforming is dependent on fossil fuels, and a large amount of CO2 is generated during this process; therefore, it is not considered for future hydrogen production.

      Blue Hydrogen

      Grey and Brown hydrogen can be improved by capturing produced CO2 using Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology and Carbon Capture and Use (CCU) technology. This way, so-called blue hydrogen is produced. Total CO2 production in this process is lower even though the source is natural gas or methane, as significant part of the emissions is captured.

      Pink Hydrogen

      Pink hydrogen is produced by nuclear energy and is low emission. Sometimes, it is labelled ad purple or yellow. The labelling is still undecided.

      Green Hydrogen

      The primary purpose of hydrogen technology is to cut the dependency on fossil fuels and produce “Green hydrogen”. This type of hydrogen is produced during an electrolysis process when water molecule is split into two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen using electricity. When the source of energy for this process comes from renewable resources, it is considered "green" and therefore "green hydrogen".

      Hydrogen has the significant potential to decarbonize the use of energy. To fulfil its potential, there are a few barriers we have to overcome, mostly associated with storage, transportation and distribution. [2]

      [1] Získávání vodíku z obnovitelných zdrojů [online]. Available at:


      [2] Plyn budoucnosti. Jak daleko je Česko na cestě k jeho využití? - životní prostředí, příroda, ekologie, klima, biodiverzita, energetika, krajina, doprava i cestování [online]. Available at:

    • Objectives

      • To name primary characteristics of hydrogen and its isotopes;
      • To recognize hydrogen colours and to compare its means of acquisition;
      • To define the temperature at which hydrogen becomes liquid.



      Hydrogen, hydrogen colours, hydrogen isotopes, critical temperature

      1. Define hydrogen as a chemical element, its chemical symbol and its protonic number.
      2. How many isotopes are there in hydrogen, and what are they called?
      3. At what temperature does hydrogen become liquid?
      4. In what year has Henry Cavendish discovered hydrogen
      5. Which French chemist named hydrogen?
      6. What colours are used to label hydrogen, and which are acquired from fossil fuels?
      7. Describe the process during which green hydrogen is made.



    • Objectives 

      • To explain the principles of fuel cells;
      • to divide cells by their operating temperatures;
      • to define cells by the electrolyte type;
      • to name other components of a vehicle with fuel cells.



      Fuel cell, electrolyte.

      1.       What chemical reactions take place in a fuel cell?
      2.       What voltage value is generated by fuel cells?
      3.       What temperatures are high-temperature fuel cells operating?
      4.       What chemical substance forms the electrolyte of alkaline fuel cells?


    • Hydrogen as an energy source is an important current topic. It is referred to as the fuel of the 21st century. Hydrogen production is a crucial process coming from various resources. Currently, 48% of hydrogen is produced from natural gas, 30% from oil, 18 % from coal, and 4% from electrolysis. It is evident that fossil fuels dominate hydrogen production, and only a small fraction is produced by electrolysis. Thermochemical, biochemical, and photochemical production processes are still at the beginning and without industry use. In the automotive industry, only hydrogen produced by alternative methods makes sense as fossil fuels can be used as a fuel directly. That is the main reason to search for alternatives.

       Water electrolysis recently cannot challenge traditional methods due to its high energy demand. Its use is suitable for countries with an abundancy of water and inexpensive electricity. Island is such country, sourcing its energy from geothermal springs. Another interesting method for hydrogen production is generators of the fourth generation. A heated cooling medium has a high enough temperature to conduct chemical cycles or high-temperature electrolysis. The most relevant method that could challenge fossil fuels in near future is hydrogen production using biomass. Biomass belongs to promising renewable sources of energy. Except for hydrogen production, it also holds large-scale energy use. The remaining issue of hydrogen use lies in its storage. Storage capacity needs to be improved for the global spread of hydrogen use due to its high weight and large volume. The cost of hydrogen still over-exceeds the cost of fossil fuels. The energetic efficiency (high energetic demand on compression, liquifying or reprocessing of chemical compounds) is another aspect needing to be increased.

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